Increased channels for interhuman connection post-pandemic

It has been observed that the COVID-19 pandemic had a severe impact on the mental health of older adults. The absence of acknowledgment of mental health issues having critical effects on the elderly population, and thus the lack of mental health resources provided specifically for older adults, has always been an issue in the pre-pandemic society.

With increased degrees of social isolation caused by the pandemic, there has also been an increase in virtual/remote mental health services and resources available. This previous article we’ve published offers a comprehensive list of remote mental health resources for older adults. Although the pandemic has revealed the global shortage of medical resources, the possible expanded usage of telehealth in the future brings hope for increased availability and accessibility of healthcare services for all.

As the door-to-door delivery industry scene becomes more and more prominent, delivery services for grocery shopping, meal preparation kits, and meal plans for the elderly and/or disadvantaged have also grown in popularity. Online platforms such as Instacart and AmazonFresh offer same-day delivery of fresh produce and groceries, and many companies provide monthly plans or membership subscription for either ready-made meals or meal preparation kits that allow older adults to prepare meals with more ease. Meals on Wheels, an organization that connects seniors to meal/food providers in the local area, also expanded their service and the number of meals they deliver in response to the vulnerable state many older adults were left in when COVID-19 hit. With the proliferation of online shopping platforms and door-to-door delivery services, those living in disadvantaged circumstances and with limited physical mobility will hopefully have an easier time than before navigating their daily needs.

Most notably, the pandemic has made connecting with family members and friends difficult, especially for older adults living alone. The rise of video call applications such as Zoom and Google Meet have provided ways of contacting and keeping up with loved ones even when physically separated, but it has also transformed the way we conceive social connections and interactions as a society. With the notable increase in virtual activities or community-building platforms online, one no longer needs to step out of the house to establish a social support group. In this previously published article, we have also compiled some channels for finding both in-person and remote support groups.

COVID-19 has forced us into isolation, yet humans have also worked hard to remain connected and help those who are disadvantaged and in need. While we still grieve for all those that have been lost within the past two years of the pandemic, it is also important to open our eyes to the brilliance and endurance of humanity that has shone through these difficult times. We hope you will not lose faith in the evolution of our society for the better, and we look forward to sharing and exploring those possibilities with you.

Ariel Shih