Posts tagged physical property
Cancel or change person on vehicle insurance policies

You will need to switch the vehicle insurance to list the person now owning the vehicle as the "named insured" over if someone is keeping the vehicle. You usually have 30 days to do this. If there is not a second person on the policy, call the insurance company right away as other drivers may not be covered. Usually, the executor is covered when driving the car for maintenance purposes, but that is all.

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Pay property tax bills (if paid separately and not included in home mortgage), and file for an exemption if needed

If there is a mortgage, the lender may pay the property taxes. If the deceased person was paying property taxes, the estate will need to keep paying property tax bills. If payments stop, the taxing authority may place a lien on the property and eventually foreclose. However, some states give exemptions after a death and no one can force you to pay if you didn't own the home or sign the loan.

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Notify landlord or home

If the deceased person was the only one living in the rental, you will want to negotiate the right amount of time to get all of the belongings out while grieving, but avoid paying extra rent. Depending on the lease, a written notice of death may give 30-day notice on the lease or not affect the lease. However, even if the lease is not ended by the death, most landlords will be willing to work with you to end the lease sooner so that they can get the unit rented sooner and you don't have to pay for an empty unit. Landlords may also help you protect the property.

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