Pay property tax bills (if paid separately and not included in home mortgage), and file for an exemption if needed

If there is a mortgage, the lender may pay the property taxes. If so, you can check with the lender to see. This happens because when the deceased person got the mortgage, the lender required an account to pay the property taxes.

If the deceased was paying property taxes, the estate must keep paying the property tax bills.

  • If you don’t know where to find them, they are normally sent to the residence and should be with other tax records

  • If payments stop, the taxing authority may place a lien on the property and eventually foreclose

If it is difficult to pay:

  • Most states give exemptions to relatives or executors after a death for a limited period of time

  • If there is not enough money in the estate, and you personally didn’t own the home or sign the loan, you cannot be forced to pay the property tax

Sorry, we can’t do more with this online. Property taxes are highly specific and done at the local level. If you need help, contact an estate lawyer using the form found here.