The best ways to engage the mind through lifelong learning


Gaining new skills and knowledge is not just for college students or young professionals looking to get an edge in the job market. Everyone, regardless of age, location, or profession, can benefit from lifelong learning. Exploring a new skill and exposing oneself to new information nurtures the mind, improves memory, increases self-confidence, and can lead to a happier, more engaged lifestyle.

Finding ways to start a habit of lifelong learning may seem harder as you get older (especially in a pandemic), but there are actually plenty of places to begin. We explore some of those ways below.

  1. Community College

    • This is a great option for people who have a little bit of extra money to spend and work well in a formal learning environment, with teachers and classmates to learn from and work with. During Covid, most community colleges have moved classes online, so you can go to class in the comfort of your own home. Most colleges also have tech support to help students through accessing lectures and materials. Prices for each class, the timeline for enrolling, and the courses offered vary from place to place. The best way to explore your options is to search for community colleges near you. You can also call them to get more detailed information. The great thing about lifelong learning through community college courses is that regardless of which community college you choose, there are bound to be many classes that interest you. Sociology, anthropology, literature, art, even music classes are common to every community college.  

  2. Youtube

  3. Explore topics through your own research

    • If you’re more of an independent learner who enjoys exploring topics at your own pace, you can always do your own research on subjects that pique your interest instead of looking for someone to teach you through a class or video.

      Documentaries, for example, are a great way to learn new things, and there are documentaries on almost every subject you can imagine. Historical and nature documentaries are especially popular, and each one is filled with fascinating information. You can search for documentaries on streaming services like Netflix or on TV channels like National Geographic.

      You can also just pick up a new book or look up facts about an interesting topic. With this kind of lifelong learning, you have the freedom to explore topics however you like! Here are some fascinating places to learn about all sorts of subjects: 

      1. Best Documentaries on Netflix 

      2. Films from National Geographic

      3. Draining the Ocean: A Dive into Underwater Sites on Disney+ 

      4. Planet Earth (for all you animal lovers out there)

So, where to begin? One approach is to make a list of five or ten things you want to know more about—or collect these over the span of a day or week. Turn these curiosities into a broader topic to focus on, and then use some of the methods above to find out how you’re best engaged.

The most important thing to keep in mind when exploring any of the above options is to have fun. Lifelong learning is not merely a tool to keep the brain sharp (although that is a fantastic benefit); it’s also about finding things you might enjoy. Have you always wanted to paint but never felt you had the talent? Now you can try your hand at it!

Lifelong learning shouldn’t feel like an obligation, but rather, like embracing hobbies and interests you didn’t have time for in the past. Who knows where the search could take you?

Avery Tamura