Take the time you need

When a death occurs—even one that is expected—you may feel a wide range of emotions. Some common ones include denial, disbelief, shock, sadness, anger, despair, and guilt.

Remember, it takes time to fully absorb the impact of a loss. You never stop missing a loved one, but the pain eases, letting you get on with your life.

Unless the death was an accident or occurred under suspicious circumstances, there is nothing you need to do immediately. Take the time you need to grieve the loss. For more on the importance of grieving, and mourning, click here.

Here are a few ways that people/families process the event:

  • Perform any special customs (religious, ethnic, cultural, or family)

  • Sit quietly

  • Console family members and friends

  • Share memories

  • Ask a religious or spiritual leader to come

  • Call people who may want to come see the body before it is moved

If you are in a medical facility, such as a hospital, hospice, or nursing home, you can tell the staff your plans and that you need some time.