Find a short-term caretaker for children, elderly relatives, and pets

The death of a loved one may require you to find someone to care for a child, pet, or elder that the deceased cared for, and to do so quickly. Below are some tips you can follow:

1) Consider someone who knows the child/elder/pet best.

  • If possible, ask the child or elder who they would feel comfortable staying with for a short time.

2) Find details about the child/elder/pet’s routine:

  • Habits

  • Food restrictions

  • Medical history and any medications they take

  • Medical records

  • For pets: veterinary info and how they act around other pets/people/children

3) Decide if the new caretaker will stay in the home of the deceased while caring for the child/elder/pet, or if the child/elder/pet will stay with the new caretaker.

4) If the child/elder/pet will be leaving their home, help gather their belongings. Do not rush this process, as it may be hard for them to deal with.

5) Make sure you have all urgent items and medicines.

6) For pets: here is a site that helps you find a shelter nearby if no one is able to take care of the animal.

When you are ready to find a permanent caretaker, you can find guidance on how to do so here.