There are many items that one may choose to gift to their family members or friends after they die, including, but not limited to, property, money, items of sentimental value, and other expensive items such as jewelry.
9 in 10 people want their online presence removed after they pass. We offer a service where you can fill out a 5-minute form to remove upsetting content from the internet and to prevent thieves from stealing your loved one's identity.
Sharing passwords may make it easier for your loved ones to find important documents, access pictures, and shut down the accounts you do not need anymore.
Let people know how you’d like to be remembered.
Make sure your loved ones can fill out all of the important information about you after you pass for your death certificate and obituary.
Share the information of important contacts so that your family can: (1) make sure they know if something happens and (2) find other important documents (if anything was missed before)
Gather and/or create important documents to make sure loved ones do not have to worry about making decisions or legal consequences immediately after you pass.
You can help protect your and your family’s private information by taking steps to ensure that your digital estate accounts are closed appropriately.