Set up password sharing for after a death

Having access to passwords may make it easier for loved ones to find important documents, access pictures, and shut down accounts that the deceased does not need anymore.

Given how often passwords change and how difficult it can be to remember and distinguish between them, we recommend signing up for a service that will share passwords with a loved one after a death.

We recommend LastPass, a free service that remembers all passwords. You or the person you are planning for can name a trusted friend or family member to access passwords in the event of an emergency or crisis.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You or the person you’re planning for names a person to inherit all passwords

  2. After a death, that person notifies LastPass that you passed

  3. LastPass then sends a message to the phone or email of the person who passed (either you or the person you’re planning for)

  4. If no response is sent within an amount of time that you or the person you’re planning for has set (e.g. 48 hours), LastPass will share passwords with the person that was named

Note: Chrome Password Manager and Apple Passwords do not include an option to transfer passwords after a death. Therefore, you or the person you’re planning for would have to share those passwords with a loved one before passing.