Cancel or transfer utilities

Utilities will need to be paid off and either canceled or transferred to somebody else in charge of the home.

First, figure out what you are doing with the residence:

  • If someone will still be living in the residence, transfer it to their name to avoid an interruption in service.

  • If you are selling the residence, wait until you sell it and then close down the account.

To complete this task, gather:

  • The most recent bill

  • The deceased’s Social Security number

Call utility companies. Make sure you think of all of them:

  • Electricity

  • Gas/heating

  • Water

  • Trash

  • Sewer

We recommend you do this within a few months so that you don’t have to pay a big fee. If you’re not sure the name of the local utilities, ask the neighbors. Usually, there will have the same service.

While we wish we could offer more specific help, the reality is that utilities are very local. If you want more personalized help, we do offer a concierge service that you can sign up for by calling 1-657-999-0791.