Arrange for a permanent caretaker for older adults

1) Check the will to see if the deceased included anyone who they were caring for.

2) Determine the extent of help or care that is needed:

  • Can the older adult live at home with part-time help from friends and family or home care?

  • Do they need full-time care?

3) Find a solution

  • Reach out to all friends and family members to see if they would be willing to accept the responsibility of caring for the older adult. This may be a shared task among family and friends.

  • If more care than this is needed, you can find home care or independent living, memory care, assisted living, nursing home, or other facilities by clicking here

  • One other option would be to speak to our concierge service. They can make local recommendations that fit your needs. To schedule a free consultation, call us at 657-999-0791, email, or click here.