How to document medical wishes in Maine

In many instances, people who suffer from unexpected life-threatening diseases or injuries are unable to communicate and make decisions for themselves. Advance directives are legal, written instructions that document a person’s medical wishes should they be unable to make decisions for themselves in such situations. Advance directives may help family and friends of the patient avoid disagreements over decision-making during such a difficult time and allow doctors to provide the best medical care for the patient as they near the end of their life. For more on advance directives, click here.

Instructions in advance directives vary from state to state. If you reside in Maine, you can find further information about advance directives and get started on creating one by filling out this form. It is important to note that the advance directives in Maine must be signed in the presence of two qualified witnesses. More information on the criteria for meeting these qualifications can be found in the form. If you have further questions about advance directives and any content within the Maine Advance Directive form, we recommend that you contact your lawyer or doctor for expert advice on the matter.