Notify professional organizations

Though rare, some unions offer a death benefit and payout to surviving family members.

If your loved one was a member of a union, call the union to ask about benefits. Information for the largest unions and common phone numbers are below:

  • NEAMB: Membership includes complimentary life insurance if you registered. Call 855-NEA-LIFE to make a claim.

  • SEIU: Membership includes discounted life insurance through Prudential, but no specific other benefits. Call 1-844-836-7348.

  • AFSCME: Membership includes discounted life insurance through Union Plus / The Hartford, but no specific other benefits. Call 800-393-0864.

  • Teamsters

    • Teamster USA offers discounted life insurance through Ullico. You can call them at this number: 1-800-431-5425.

    • Some regional chapters give death and survivor benefits. Contact your local Teamster office to learn more. For example, the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Plan provides death and survivor benefits:

      • (a) You can learn more at this website.

      • (b) Report the death to your Area Administrative office. They will give you forms and ask for documents such as the death certificate, marriage certificate, and birth/adoption certificates.