Arrange for an individual living with developmental or intellectual disabilities

1) Check the will to see if the deceased assigned a guardian and/or trust for their special needs dependents, or if they left other instructions

2) If not, reach out to the special needs dependent’s case manager/local developmental disabilities service worker. They can help come up with a plan and find needed support.

If you aren’t sure how to find the case manager’s contact information or they don’t have one, you can try these steps:

  • Reach out to the school if the special needs dependent is under the age of 21

  • If the special needs dependent is over 18, they should have a caseworker assigned by the local development disabilities services in your county. If this hasn’t been assigned, there may be a state department that will help

  • You may also check with a doctor, day program, or paid caregivers to find out additional information and the contact information of the case manager

3) The case manager will help come up with a plan and identify support resources. Some things they may consider are:

  • What is the extent of support needed? Can the person live on their own with help? Do they need full-time care?

  • What is the best living situation? With family? A group home? Foster care? Other?

  • What family members are able and willing to help?

  • What support resources are available?

    • Day program

    • Housing or rental assistance

    • Job coaching

    • Social Security Income (SSI)

    • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

    • Medicaid funds

    • Other resources