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Cancel or change person on health insurance policy
You have 30-60 days after death to change or cancel the health insurance policy. This can save you from continuing to need to pay for health insurance.
First, call the health insurance company. To find the number:
Check the back of the health insurance card
If you can’t find it, call the deceased’s employer
If that doesn’t work, you should call the company directly. Here are numbers for some common health insurance providers:
Anthem: Call the number on the back of the card, or 1-888-831-2238
Blue Cross/Blue Shield: Call the number on the back of the card, or 1-888-630-2583
Cigna: Call the number on the back of the card, or 1-800-997-1654
Humana: Call the number on the back of the card, or 1-800-457-4708
United Healthcare: Call the number on the back of the card, or 1-866-414-1959