How to close Google accounts after a loved one passes

For reference, Google accounts include Drive, YouTube, Gmail, Adwords, Google+, Blogger, & Adsense.

First, decide what you want to do with the deceased’s account. Here are a few outcomes that may occur:

1) Do nothing. The deceased’s account will remain as is.

2) Close the account

3) If the deceased set up Inactive Account Manager, you can get access to key files.

Inactive account manager allows users to share specific parts of their account data and notify a Trusted Contact if they’ve been inactive for a certain period of time

  • If the deceased set it up, you may get an email from Google that reads something similar to:

    John Doe ( instructed Google to send you this mail automatically after John stopped using his account.

    John Doe has given you access to the following account data: [+1s/Blogger/Drive/Mail/YouTube] Download John's data here.

4) Submit a request for funds from the deceased user’s AdSense or Wallet account

5) Obtain specific data from a deceased user’s account

Note: Google cannot provide passwords or other login details. Any decision to satisfy a request about a deceased user will be made only after they do a careful review.

However, despite it being a violation of the terms and conditions, some people recommend that you can reset the password for the account and use this to log in. This could work if you already have access to the email address or phone number. We are not endorsing this choice, but if recommended by your lawyer, here is the process: